Heck if I can figure this out!

You’ll need to use Netscape/Mozilla/Firefox to see this…

Working version is located at http://www.tampabaywater.org The rollovers on the flash animation work as they are supposed to. However, a newer version of the same flash animation located at [URL=http://www.tampabaywater.org:8080]http://www.tampabaywater.org:8080 doesn’t work as it should. In IE it works with no problems. The action scripts behind the buttons were done in exactly the same manner, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out why the mouseover areas don’t appear over the buttons in Mozilla, Netscape, or in Mozilla Firefox. I haven’t tested this in Opera or Safari, will try Safari tonight when I get home. Anyone have any insight into this issue? We’d like to swicth to the newer, animation, as the PTB like the speed and image transition better than the original version.