Height problem

Hello everyone,

I’m making a website and i’m almost done except for the bottom part. I’m using a table with 3 rows and three columns! On my laptop (15" screen) the site fills up the compleet screen, but on 17 and higher inch screens with a high resolution the site just fills up half of the screen. What I would like to accomplish is that I have a different collor at the bottom fills up the entire screen(100%) nomather what size and or resolution! I found something on the internet about a footer which i tried with the following CSS style:

#footer {
position: absolute;
background-color: #ece6c4;
height: auto;

I placed the a layer under the table and called it footer. On my laptop it works ok but when I test it on another computer with a bigger screen and resolution there is just a line from maybe 20px height and then the normal background is there again.
Can somebody please help me?

Thank you