Hello everybody

:crazy: Hello everybody I’m pretty much new here I hope somebody would give me a hand a big one I think.

I’m working on a project, and I got into something that well I can’t figure it out myself. From one main movie, I’m calling a movie, put it into a target (everything goes fine here), then when I call the movie everithing goes fine but the elements inside the movie don’t respond I’ll tell you how it works. The loaded movie, has a movie clip that plays a few others clips in the main time line. When this movie get loaded into the main movie I mentioned above these few clips don’t work, I see the movie getting loaded but these few clips don’t work.
Well hope somebody can give me a hand I’ll really apreciate it.
Thank :slight_smile:

You probably target them as _root.

One important thing about using loadMovie to load in external .swfs is that the _root timeline of the loaded movie becomes the _root timeline of the movie you are loading into.

So if any of your code says something like…

_root.yourClip.something you should change it to

or just

another possibility is to target levels (_level1, etc.). sometimes this is less confusing than using _root. or _parent. etc.

also, take a look at the debugger when you test your movie–it’ll show you your instance names along with their path–it may help you figure out where your naming went wrong…