Hello world! :D

Yes, I am a virgin programmer. Pick on me if you’d like. As long as I get to pick your brains for some help on website coding, I am down for a little hazing. But yeah.

I am starting out. I am a bit new. Currently I am designing a website for school, but hopefully I will be doing this for much more than just school projects. Hopefully I can start receiving clients and creating easy to use, user and client friendly, yet awesomely interactive and visual websites and applications, as a career. But I am very much an upstart and I am definitely trying to get a handle on all things new to me.

I have completed a website. My first one to get published officially. It is pure basic HTML and I admit some Javascript help from Dreamweaver. It is a very basic endeavor, but it suffices for its purpose of just being there.

WKU Recycling Website 1.0 Best viewed in Firefox.

I know, I know. It isn’t pretty and it uses tables, but it was needed and I only had my high school web design class as a background. However, it did spark my interest and the code just flew off my fingers. The next thing I knew I had a website. And my bosses loved it. I loved the creation process too, and so I began to explore website design.

I wanted to create websites on a professional level and use newer more efficient codes than just basic tables. I found div’s, then I found CSS, and then I found PHP and I am currently working on an update.

WKU Recycling Website 3.0 Best viewed in Firefox.

And yet I am still not satisfied. After perusing the CSS awards section in this forum, my mouth was watering, and my mindset was, “I want to do that!”

But my understanding of the code is minimal, especially PHP, and I have a design in my head that I envision, but accomplishing it is out of my scope, and so I have to broaden my experience.

But gaining the knowledge is pretty tough. Reading through the PHP jargon that came with my WAMP and even PHP.net is dry and leaves me begging questions and lost in confusion. I’ve Googled for solutions to what I want to accomplish, but the code is foreign and the breakdown just doesn’t make sense.

But then I stumbled onto kirupa and the articles are so darn simple. I figure getting into a coding community will help me better learn this new horizon, and soon I could create anything that I could come up with.

I do have some items that I would like help with, but I will address those later. I feel that an introduction should simmer for a while before I delve into anything too deep.

One of my standards however that I want to address is this:

I would like to use as little Javascript as possible. The noner the better. I believe there are workarounds to creating Dynamic Pages without the use of Javascript, they just have to be found. And I don’t mind the extra work, for the sake of saving my client’s information and computers. Oh, and IE is *ick.

Well, I hope I find a niche here. Nice meeting y’all.
