
i am making a new web site for web design. i really need ideas on what to put as in java, php, graphics, pages, and other useful sources that i can use to make my site better.
thanks in advance.

Didn’t you post that you were 16???

Alex: I suggest you try to learn a server-side language. It isn’t something you will learn over night. I chose to learn PHP and that worked well for me. You might want to choose Javascript or ASP. But you need to go slow and learn as much as you can. You are up against a million people that are out there doing the same thing that you are doing and they are going to be better than you in almost every way. The more work you put into it now, then better off you will be. Learn as much as you can and work as hard as you can and then you won’t have to turn to us for advice because you will know what the people want and you will be able to do everything for yourself.

yes, i have alot of expirence with front page and i am currently learing photo shop. its a long shot i know but its worth a shot.

Javascript is client side

of that I’m aware. I just added it because he mentioned it. I was rambling… in case you couldn’t tell :wink:

Thought you knew that from the post from you before. I prefer perl by the way.

yeah is Perl hard to learn? I was interested in learning that next. Is it similar to PHP?

no, I don’t know php real well, but I can tell from the code, it’s a little like javascript mixed with java. lots of .lib files that do functions and stuff. I kinda want to learn xml…

yeah after I feel that I am fairly proficient with PHP I am moving on to XML. I still need to learn Javascript… never got around to that…

You problably have this but javascript is a great javascript site. If you know actionscript it won’t be hard to learn and its freeware, it’s all over the net.

i am 10% done with my site and i should be posting it soon. i have set up alot of java codes including scrool bar color, e mail, time and date. but i think i should add a html preloader just to speed up the loading process. its loading fine now. i have set up a portfolio , about page, and a pricing page. in the near future i plan on adding som easy listening type of music.

if you have any ideas please suggest them. any feedback is greatly appriciated

What do you mean by java codes? Java or I assume javascript. If it is javascript there is no such thing as an html preloader.

yes there is. immage preloader in html

oh that’s right. You are just talking so far away from flash…