
Hey guys / girls! I have missed you all :slight_smile:

I have a few things happen in life over the last few weeks that have kept me from doing some of the things I love, and this is one of em. I hope all of you are doing very well and things are going great :thumb:

So have i missed anything in the last little while?

Welcome back Sureshot! So what have you been up to? =)

Hey thanks man - just had a few “personal issuses” to deal with the last little while but all is good - I am doing much better now. I like your sig man, very cool!

Thanks, well it’s good to hear that everything is alright. We can’t afford to lose any regulars here. =)

hah thanks man - this place is way to fun and way to great to ever leave. I have had some serious withdrawl over the last little while…:stuck_out_tongue:

Nice to see you agien SureShot :cap:

Now don’t you dear leave us again man! :bad:

:thumb: :stuck_out_tongue:

You missed a whole lot! There was this time when…um…and the other time…and alex…you know…car, homing missile…oh yeah, NEW CONTEST! Design a kirupa.com T-Shirt :slight_smile:


oh yah, same ol’ board :slight_smile: hahahaha

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

goes looking for the t-shirt link

http://www.kirupa.com/contest/tshirt/index.htm here ya go :asian:

Isn’t it funny how Alex is our #1 person to pick on. I sure know I love it!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

We really need to find someone new to pick on though…how about…hmm…seems like we banned almost all the sub-16 year old crowds :slight_smile:

Tuknuk had to rebuild igloo which melted during hot summer…


welcome back SureShot, whoever you are :stuck_out_tongue:
btw: what is a Tuknuk :h:

Tuknuk is white people gone bad. . . .

tuknuk = Nanook ‘o’ the North, et. al.

…good to see ya back SS :slight_smile:

yes he is back! lol :stuck_out_tongue: wad up man? i wanted to ask you something but i forgot…oh well lol.