It’s a little complicated but here goes…
I have a movie clip, when you click it goes to another frame to indicate it’s clicked, and it is draggable,
I use this code:
on (press) {
on (release){
however, i want to be able to change the colour of the dragged movie clip, and keep the animation… so I add different frames to the movie clip and on each of those frames i have another movie clip with the animation,
and so I just add to the main movie clip:
on (press) {
on (release){
and on the movie clips inside it:
on (press) {
on (release) {
but this doesn’t work, i presume this just means you cant have a ‘on (press)’ code inside another movie clip that already has ‘on (press)’ coding, so can you let me know how i can achieve this,
I’ve attached the file to hopefully make it clear what I’m trying to do.
hopefully this is something quite simple to unpick and make work… thanks for looking and helping me out on this