Problem with dynamic movie dragging

I am trying to drag my dynamic moviclips. But this code does not work properly.
I have to mosue click the movie clip, and once again use mousepress to drag the movie clip.
Is there an way o eliminate the two clicks? Thanking you in advance.
Here is the code.

clickAction = function (_arg2) {
//info._y += 150;
trace(“click”+_arg2); // _arg2 contains name of dynamic movieclip

_arg2.onPress = function (){
trace(“on press”+_arg2);
// further code

_arg2.onRelease = function (){
// further code

//code for creating dynamic movieclip

for (i=0; i < xmlnodecount; i++) {

_root.content_mc.image_mc.duplicateMovieClip(“image_mc”+i, i);

_root.content_mc["image_mc" + i]._x = imageWidth * xinc; ;
_root.content_mc["image_mc"+i]._y = yinc;


what was that click action? you dont need it!

//code for creating dynamic movieclip

for (i=0; i < xmlnodecount; i++) {

var MC:MovieCLip = _root.content_mc.image_mc.duplicateMovieClip(“imag e_mc”+i, i);

MC._x = imageWidth * xinc; ;
MC._y = yinc;
MC.onPress = function (){
trace(“on press”+_arg2);
// further code

MC.onRelease = function (){
// further code



is this what you were looking for?
now you can click all the mcs…

Thank you for the immediate reply. My problem is solved with the above code.

i’m glad i was usefull!

good work :wink: