I am trying to drag my dynamic moviclips. But this code does not work properly.
I have to mosue click the movie clip, and once again use mousepress to drag the movie clip.
Is there an way o eliminate the two clicks? Thanking you in advance.
Here is the code.
clickAction = function (_arg2) {
//info._y += 150;
trace(“click”+_arg2); // _arg2 contains name of dynamic movieclip
_arg2.onPress = function (){
trace(“on press”+_arg2);
// further code
_arg2.onRelease = function (){
// further code
//code for creating dynamic movieclip
for (i=0; i < xmlnodecount; i++) {
_root.content_mc.image_mc.duplicateMovieClip(“image_mc”+i, i);
_root.content_mc["image_mc" + i]._x = imageWidth * xinc; ;
_root.content_mc["image_mc"+i]._y = yinc;