Help - Embedding an FLV via XML

This is probably a weird request, and it is an odd way of pulling in the proper content, but this is the way it needs to be done (if possible) for the project.

Basically, I have an XML file with content that is being pulled into an SWF. The content is being pulled in as HTML for formatting purposes. Everything works fine, except for one of the “slides” that utilize an embedded FLV video. I need this to be pulled in also via the XML.

Any code I try to use doesn’t work and I am at my wits end with a deadline looming way too closely.

Any ideas? Below is the simple HTML code in the XML that I use for the other slides that only require images, I am just trying to find a quick and easily editable solution to pull in an FLV instead of an image there (and also be left aligned so the text will wrap):

<![CDATA[<img src="/images/home/icon.jpg" align="left">The body of the text. <a href="#"><u>More...</u></a> ]]>

Thanks in advance.