Help! faviconHell!

hi people, i’ve tried all the tutorails i could find and i still can’t get my url icon to work. the tutorials i tried are done in html, is there a script for this?


just save it as favicon.ico in your root directory :wink:

that’s what i’ve been doing, and i believe i made the icon right. i did it with photoshop and then put it through graphic converter x. but still not working, if that’s all you do then my icon must not be right. btw i’m using a mac.

did it work in ff?

i’m sorry, ff?

firefox most likely

yep :wink:

wow! it shows up in firefox, but not in safari or ie.
any thought on that?

<link rel=“shortcut icon” href="/favicon.ico" type=“image/x-icon” />

try that :slight_smile:

bummer! looks like it’s not going to work in safari is there another way to empty the cache, besides the option under the safari menu?

don’t have safari so wouldn’t know, sorry :wink:

I have been trying the same thing. Is there a way to test the icon by publishing the HTML site through Flash, without using an FTP? I just wanted to see if it worked, but I don’t have an actual site to upload it to. I do have Flash and I was trying to publish the file as an HTML, edit it in Notepad and wiew it that way. Is it possible?

Try a wimpy free hosting site for testing.

or use apache for local testing :wink:

Apache is not for noobs. I’d say just let it go. It’s not that big of a deal anyway, and most people don’t pay too much attention to it. If it works for you in FF, it should also work in IE.
Like bombingpixles said, try adding this to your <HEAD> tag:
<link rel=“shortcut icon” href="/favicon.ico" type=“image/x-icon” />

thread moved

I wouldn’t say that apache isn’t for noobs, 'em 2 series has a nice installer now to make it easier :smiley:

but if you want all the other stuff, it can take a bit of work, but nothing somebody can’t figure out on there own :wink: