ICO question!

hi there,

ive just created an ICO of my website logo… and just today i saw a particular website that had within his URL an ICO next to it of his logo, it also was there next to the website link when i saved it to my favourites and aswell as saving it as a shortcut to my desktop…:-\

in short…does anyone know how to do this , is there a particular code and process??

any help would be greatly appreciated!! :thumb:

thnx in advance !! :slight_smile:

Name your icon favicon.ico. (i think you must use exactly 16 x 16 pixels size and 16 colors).
Now upload the file to your domain.

holy S thats cool :slight_smile: I had no idea lol

Digitalosophy, Kirupaforuns has this feature.
Try adding it to favorites and you’ll see.

yea ya know what ur right…lolol (obviously)

thanks i think that is soo cool.

quick question where do you upload the file to? wwwroot?

Yep, upload it to the same directory as your HTML page.
And i think this feature is available for IE5+ only.

koo thankx