Help for a project

ohayou… as you all know, i’m a new memeber her and i hope i am welcome…

nways, on to the problem… see i’m designing this project for a term paper entitled tutorial on flash mx… now since it’s flash mx, i’ve done the thing on flash itself… now the problem… since i’m a rookie, i’ve very limited resources and little knowledge specially on the actionscript part… it’s a good thing that i’ve found this site where it offers an on-hand explanation on what action does what… but if anybody willing to share some more resources (not just action script, backgrounds, samples anything) i’m open… and i’ve got a beta ready for testing… so if anyone have the time to take a look-see, i’ll gladly send it to you… you can suggest on how much more i can improve the contents, interface and user interaction…

thanks… i badly need this one… if i fail this i don’t graduate… :*(

check y’all soon…

if your a rookie why are you trying to do a tutorial on FMX?? its beyond me…
newhose… ill be more than happy to help with the coding side (as much as i can) and you might want to check out the *best of kirupa *forum and also the tutorials…
im not much of a designer though im afraid!


if its actionScript your after, here is all the actionScript you can handle. good luck.


coz that’s the one that has been approved by my teach… why did i propose it?! coz i’m runnin out of options… :azn: …

if you wan i’ll send you one of the beta… if it’s oki… may i know your email add?!

thank you…:afro:


ill do me best :wink:


thankies… :party: … i’ve sent you the file… hope you can reply on me back asap…