Lately, I have been getting outstanding support from the forums. After an individual was checking my code because of an issue of mine, he suggested that I switch from writing games in AS2 and start writing in AS3.
I know almost next to nothing about AS3. I do have 3 degrees: AAS: Graphic Design, AAS Computer programing and a BA Project Management. Not saying I am a brainiac in any means, but I need to know if I should start scraping the AS2 and start self teaching myself AS3? Lastly, I have nothing but problems writing .as files. I don’t understand how game programmers say its easy, but kudos to them!
My background in Flash is purely game development. I am trying my hand at an Indie game so I’m trying to see how it goes. Any suggestions on the AS2 to AS3 switch will be much appreciated! I’m off to troll the web for others opinions. Thanks in advance!