Hello my friend
now i have
3 button
one to play (bt1) so.gotoAndPlay(“m1”); sound
and other (bt2) so.gotoAndPlay(“m2”); sound
and button to play all m2 then m1 sound
theis button like that
and the sound in diffrent layer like that
and this the code
bt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK ,pt1);
bt2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK ,pt2);
playy.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK ,all);
function pt1(event:MouseEvent):void
function pt2(event:MouseEvent):void
function all(event:MouseEvent):void
problem is when i click all button to run sound m2,m1 the sound play togather
i want to play m2 then stop then play m1
note the layer label m2 come after m1
so i want to play and stop m2 first then play and stop m1 second
please help me
thank you