Hey All,
I have Jpg images that have borders; I can see them in Adobe and through IE. However, when flash loads them it cuts off the right border or the left border, etc. I don’t understand why? I’ve searched and played around and can’t figure it out.
The images have a black border surrounding them, top, bottom, left, right.
Did you check to see if your movie is larger than the images? If your actual movie is smaller than the images then some of it will get cut off. I hope that helps :-\
If it’s ok with you, may I take a look at your fla and play around with it? I doubt it’s flashe’s fault, just gotta tinker with these things sometimes. I stumble onto the answer to a lot of my questions by just tinkering with it for awhile.
I made a fla with a button with the AS you specified above and the image appeared fine when it was loaded into the swf. The black borders were all there. I also set the quality to 100 too.
Here’s my fla.
This is what i see when i open the swf i made. The image that is loaded looks identiacal to the image you provided, the borders are the same width as yours. :-\
Now that is odd, I’m running xp and flash 6. I have no clue why it would look different on yours. Maybe its the screen resolution? I’m on 1024x768. You didnt resize the swf after you opened it, right? If all else fails, just chop off the borders if its not a must. :-\
I’m runnin 1024x768; i’ve tried 16bit and 24bit color (don’t have 32bit). No I don’t resize the .swf; I just hit ctrl+enter, or run it from a web page.
Are there settings somewhere in 6 that I don’t know about? I have all the quality’s set to 100; at least that I can find.
I’ve never worked with flash on Win2k so I wouldn’t know. :-\ It could be your settings. Maybe Lostinbeta has the answer to this problem, I hope he reads this thread. If I do come up with the answer then I’ll post it here for sure, but for now I’m stumped. I do have an idea that might work, but I’m at work right now so I can’t play around with your fla till i get home. I’ll work on it later. =)
Flash has this weird bug where it cuts off the edge of the Right and Bottom sides of the movie by 1 pixel.
If you draw an outline in your flash movie that follows the outline of your canvas, when you view it in the browser, the right and bottom sides will not show, if you click on the right light and hit the left arrow key to nudge it over 1px, and click the bottom and use the up arrow key to nudge it up one pixel you will see it shows perfectly now.
Weird glitch, happens anywhere though (at least that I know of).
Ok, I just tested, and wow, you are right, it does do it to any image, not just the edge of the movie.
I did figure out this though… if you right click on your movie and change the quality to “low”, it works perfect, and the image quality doesn’t diminish…hmmm.
Seems to be another bug, I am experimenting more with this.
So would a solution be to create a movie with set width and height that is at least one pixel bigger to the right and bottom as opposed to creating an empty movie clip?