I made a movie clip, with width=750 and height=430, which has a border of one pixel.
The resulting SWF is loaded into a html file, with the same size for the object (750x430), but the bottom line and the right line of the border cannot be seen.
Any advice?
Reduce your 1 pixel border to width=749 and height=429 to compensate for Flash’s habbit of distorting images my 1 pixel.
If you leave your movie the same size and just make the changes to the border, it should show up fine.
EG - ur footer is great but can u make it go any slower cause it makes me dizzy .
BTW how did u make the thingie that goes back and forth.
D :beam:
Thx. I already reduced the border by one pixel and now it looks fine.
Demonia, stop looking at it if it’s making you dizzy.
Thorr, glad it worked. =)