Hey Guys,
I need some help here with Kirupa’s tutorial on Flash Snow 3.0 (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/flash8/snow.htm)
So I’ve implemented one onto my working website (works great, thanks a bunch!) and it’s fully functional, etc etc.
My only problem is that my website is following a season-theme (spring/summer/autumn/winter), with each season being it’s own separate page.
The website layout is basically divided into separate keyframes and frame labels (labeled as “Spring” for Page 1, “Summer” for Page 2, etc etc), and I’ve got the snow keyframe (where you add in the actionscript code as mentioned in the tutorial) corresponding to the Winter page.
However, when I test the movie out and try to navigate to another page (Say… Winter to Spring), the snowflakes are still coming out, and I have NO clue how to prevent this from happening.
I’m still relatively new with Flash, so perhaps there’s an obvious solution to this that I have no knowledge about.
Any help will be much appreciated!