Help me: Making a site with tons of water effects


I’m basically new to flash… and I’ve been working on learning more and more and stuff.

I need to have my site done by october 16th for a contest… but I’m not sure how I can make this stuff I want on it… I just need some advice and a little help with the progamming and such. Heres what I need help making.

  • A water like rippling background imagine. (the background ripples when move over it, like tapping water with your finger)
  • Buttons that ripple like water (when you click them)
  • Panels that sit over the water background (when the mouse moves over them, the ripple effect doesn’t happen)
  • Dim reflect of the mouse pointer in the background

If someone could help explain how I can make this, it would really help.
I guess I really just need to know how to make the ripple effects. Once I know how to do that, I can make the rest myself.