I’m basically new to flash… and I’ve been working on learning more and more and stuff.
I need to have my site done by october 16th for a contest… but I’m not sure how I can make this stuff I want on it… I just need some advice and a little help with the progamming and such. Heres what I need help making.
A water like rippling background imagine. (the background ripples when move over it, like tapping water with your finger)
Buttons that ripple like water (when you click them)
Panels that sit over the water background (when the mouse moves over them, the ripple effect doesn’t happen)
Dim reflect of the mouse pointer in the background
If someone could help explain how I can make this, it would really help.
I guess I really just need to know how to make the ripple effects. Once I know how to do that, I can make the rest myself.
thats what I mean, kinda. Only a little bit more realistic. I guess I’d have to tweak it, huh?
Lol, I’m looking for a wavier look. Something that looks alot like the natural wavy ripple of water. But this is good for if I can’t have that, or if it’ll take too much. Thanks a bunch dude, its a hell of alot better than the big bag of nothing I had
In case more people have uber skills that can help me, I kinda need:
almost 3d ripple effect in the background. Ripples when you click it or move over it. The water slowly flattens out as the ripple passes. Light, of course, effects the look of the ripple. I want ti to look like the page is sitting in a puddle, and you’re looking down at it from above. And then, in the center of the page will an image that shows through the water and fades in and out off and on.
A way of making it so the mouse pointer will appear like a reflect in the background that will be effected by the ripple of the water.
I wasn’t telling him to go buy the game… I was just saying for people who have seen it thats a good example… geez. I didn’t say “go buy this game so you can see what I mean” I was just saying…
its alright. I probably couldn’t pull it off if I had the information on how to do it…
I need a Beginner’s Tutorial for using Flash MX >< I have no idea what I’m doing.