Help me name a company

LLC is the best way to go and the cheapest. It allows you to drop and add people at will as well :lol:

I have an LLC for my freelance work. It’s nice because if I go bankrupt or get sued I won’t personally be responsible, just the LLC. It does complicate things at tax time though - I just go to a CPA though, so I don’t have to think about it as much. It’s also fun to decide which things are tax-deductable, like “oh I said the word ‘website’ so that was a business lunch”… or a “business luncheon”, that sounds even cooler.

There is a small investment to get started, at least where I live. I can’t remember how much I had to pay to get a business permit (that’s not what it’s called, but I can’t remember) but I think it was like $50.

Good luck man. If you need any advice, you probably shouldn’t ask me because I completely rely on my 9-5 job.

What’s the investigation entail? I’m not really worried about the fees, but I am not looking forward to tax time :frowning:

Simp, that sounds awesome. You’re all hired.

You’re all fired get out of my site!

^ :lol:

LLC ftw! Legalzoom ftw! :slight_smile:

(I don’t know about tax though).

Yeah I was looking at Legalzoom, I’m not sure if it’s wise to go with something like that.

Um why not? Well, I guess, it’s a personal preference…

For me, it was them or a lawyer with a ridiculous fee. They did a fantastic job for me, as they took care of all paperwork and other crap, and then I just had to submit a couple of things to state’s (govt) office. It was really easy, and fast also.

this@co company sounds unique eh :lol:


Think important criteria is what domain name you are going to be able to get for the site.
No use naming your company “thegreatestwebdeveloperofall and co.” if the corresponding domain is not available.
My opinion only.

Already have the domain and name, thanks.

kdd - it just seems like something could easily fall through the crack because it’s all automated.

No, it’s not automated actually. You fill out the details, and then someone at their office takes care of paperwork, as their signatures are needed. There are, I think, 300+ employees working at Legalzoom, so it’s not a scam company or anything. I believe, mine was done in less than 10 days. They were awesome! :slight_smile:

Oh, that’s cool then. I’ll have to check it out a little more.

I’d like to apply for a job as a designer or developer. Take me! I require money for my materialistic needs before college.


I’d work for free too, if what you’re doing is cool enough.

I really really really wish I had the money to hire a staff, but unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be generating significant income for quite some time.

Shoot me a pm if you want to know what I’m up to and you can see if you have any interest in it.