Help me name a company

So I think I’m going to start writing random little sites that do random things and maybe trying to make some money on the side. I don’t want it tied directly to my name so I’m thinking of starting a little company with a little name.

Any ideas? I know this is super broad and vague, but I’m open to anything. It can be sort-of silly (ie delicious-monster) but not stupid (ie your-mom-jokes), or it could even be serious.

People that provide half-way decent ideas will be granted beta-access to test any of my apps if they’re interested. And a hug.

Blue & Co.

that’s actually kind of awesome

Booo :frowning:

Well, what’s the company about (or what is it going to do?) I think choosing a correct name is very important. (I know from experience from my last adventure).

Jumbled Patterns :smiley:


KDD - it’ll be for whatever I get some random desire to build. It’ll mostly be web-apps but I guess over time it could incorporate other random things. Each app will be named well, and in-line with the product. But this is the name for the umbrella company, if you will, that owns all the smaller pieces.

oh you

…or something

I went with this&co

It’s stupid but for some reason I like it. It is basically your suggestion but worse.

Congrats on free beta access to things you don’t want!

[quote=nobody;2331931]I went with this&co

It’s stupid but for some reason I like it. It is basically your suggestion but worse.

Congrats on free beta access to things you don’t want![/quote]
Not bad, it’s def. unique. Going with

Let’s see some branding!

haha… I actually like that name… :thumb2:

I just got the domain, I wish I had illustrator or something on my work computer to play around with a logo or wordmark but unfortunately I don’t and my mac is 3000 miles away from me for the week.

Very likely. That’s awesome.


KDD - it’ll be for whatever I get some random desire to build. It’ll mostly be web-apps but I guess over time it could incorporate other random things. Each app will be named well, and in-line with the product. But this is the name for the umbrella company, if you will, that owns all the smaller pieces.[/quote] is available is available is available is available is available is available

I wish I was a robot. Also I wish I was better at describing things and stuff and junk.

Thanks, but I got it figured out :beam:

now you can come up with cool little tag lines to go by “this” (ex. this… will blow your *&%$ing mind)

^Ha, yeah that’ll probably be the way to go.

Alright so another question: I want to make it a legit entity in some way. I’m thinking about an LLC. I don’t plan to make this my full time job but I do plan to generate (probably very little) revenue and I would like a little protection with my products and things like that.

What’s the best way to go on starting a business like this? Anyone have any thoughts or experience?