hey i’m a newbie to photoshop! i got a piece of jpeg photo taken by myself and i wonder how to you add those filter to the jpeg photo that looks like the umm graph paper at the background? sorry i don’t know the term (i’m a newbie, remember?) :-\ please help! :sure:
I personally am not sure that I follow you
You mean a grid?
Well, you can make a pattern of a grid then fill over the image. You do that by creating a new image with a transparent background, say 10 x 10 pixels (or however big you want the squares to be). You then draw a black (or other colour) line along the top and the left hand side of the image. Go to Edit and Define Pattern. Save the pattern with a new name, ie: Grid.
Then, in your main image, create a new layer and choose the Fill tool. In the top bar, switch the fill mode from Foreground to Pattern. Select your Gri pattern from the list, and then fill in the new layer. The grid will appear over the top of your image.
From there you can alter the opacity to make it a bit more see through.