Hello everyone
I’m working with arrays again and i have a question for the smart :sigh:
I have an array with 10 references to a movie clip in my library and a timer that add one of these movie clips to the stage every second (Without removing them from the array).
When the movie clips are added to the stage they will be touching another movie clip that has an instancename. I want to perform a hit test between the movie clip on the stage and the added movie clips from my array that will lead to some actions.
My question is: Is it possible to hit test the movieclips in the array with the movieclip on the stage with a few simple lines of code? I’d hate to have to give each of them an instance name. I know this is what classes are for but i really hoped i could avoide using them for this project ( stupid classes!:talk_to_hand:)
I’m looking for something like this in code:
if any movieclip in my array hit test a specific movieclip on stage
I’n case you are wondering, the movieclips in the array are litle circles, and the movieclip on the stage is gonna be a booster that will send them away
Hope someone can help me out here, thanks in advance!