I think this fits into random because I don’t see a seperate forum for digital camcorders.
my friend and I just spent a few hours romping around town stupidly, recording interesting sights with his Canon Digital Camcorder.
The problem is we don’t know how to get it off of the cam and onto his comp. We plugged it in just like it said to, but nothing’s hapenned. I’m suspicious as to whether it gets it at all.
So, heres the beef, if you have one of these camcorders tell me something you think I might be doing wrong.
Using Canon ZR 45 Digital Camcorder
Using mini cassette thingy (not the card, but I don’t think that should be a problem)
Connected it to pc with the cord while plugged into an ac source.
Once you connect it you should be able to access the memory of the camera through the “MY COMPUTER” icon. It should say something like “drive F: removable drive” or something to that effect. That is what it deos w/ my camera.
I also have a Cannon Mini-DV camcorder. Its like maybe 2 years old now.
I have a firewire card for DV transfer. It came with the camera.
If you cant go that route try to get a DV transport. Its a device that Listens to three Video and Audio RCA inputs. When you plug them in from the device and play it automatically digitizd the video onto your HD. They are pretty Cheap (under $100)