Hello all. Im new and i need help.
I created a mock game for a visual project. The game works fine. But when i load it to my flash site it goes crazy.
I have a link on my site and when i click it, i want the game to load in a particular area in the site. The game is a “duck-shoot” type of game, so i have a custom cursor.
The problem lies in trying to limit the interaction (the clicking/shooting) of the game to it’s 400 x 300 area. I can get it to load where i want, but the cursor in the game clashes with the cursor of the site. I can’t click on other links on the site when the game is loaded.
What can i do to solve this?
I loaded the game this way :
on (release) {
The site is still incomplete, but the links are there.
click on >>thegame… then demo
I have attached the fla’s of the site and the game below.