Im trying to get my scroll bar to work once ive imported an external swf file into a host movie.
If you open the work.swf file everything seems to work fine, but once you open it via the hostmovie.swf file (using loadmovie into a target MC) everything is frozen.

I have included the Fla’s to the above problem as an attachment so you know what im on about. Have a look, pull it apart and let us know how i can fix the problem (Any suggestions on how to do it properly will be accepted with gratitude - bear in mind, that i only know basic ActionScript)

help me obi-wan"s

_root is the very first timeline in the hierarchy, therefore when you load a movie into another movie, the _root is no longer the _root, it is instead the first timeline of the main movie.

Also… tellTarget is out.

Heres an example of how it should be…
[AS]on (press) {
on (release) {

Hmm, setProperty is out as well, and so are frame loops now that event handlers exist.

Perhaps you should check out this thread to build a more up to date scroller (if you want)…

If you want to keep your current method then remove the _roots from the up and down buttons and inside the scrollClip change the _roots to _parent… for example…
[AS]if (_root.titles._y>-85) {
_parent.titles._y -= 5;
} else {
_parent.titles._y = -85;

Thanks 4 that, the scroll works!!!..There are a couple of problems though(when loaded into the baseClip MC)…the scroll does’nt stop when it reachs its start and end positions and the text links dont work?!
What could the problem be ?