Help need for converting xml to php

Hi Friends,
I m having xml file and i need to convert it to php and then i need to insert it into mysql table.
While doing so i come across few issues.and i dont know how to solve it.

…this is my xml file…
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<ns1:OrderBatch xmlns:xsi=“” xmlns:ns1=“” xsi:schemaLocation=“” >
<ns1:Order FerritOrderID=“393/3687.01” FerritRetailerID=“ABC” CreationDate=“2007-01-31T11:22:32Z” LastModifiedDate=“2007-01-31T11:22:32Z” FerritCustomerID=“393”>
[COLOR=Red] <ns1:BillingAddress>
<ns1:FirstLine>35 Virginia Ave East</ns1:FirstLine>
<ns1:Region>Auckland Region</ns1:Region>
<ns1:FirstLine>35 Virginia Ave East</ns1:FirstLine>
<ns1:Region>Auckland Region</ns1:Region>
<ns1:Payment Currency=“NZD” GrandTotal=“50.0” Refunded=“0.0”>
<ns1:DPS PxToken=""></ns1:DPS>
<ns1:ShippingMethod id=“LineItemShipping_45BFC4BA-96CE-8E10-8585-AC1317A2EEC3” Total=“10.0” Code="" Name=“Basket Price” BasePrice=“12.5” Discount=“0.0”></ns1:ShippingMethod>
<ns1:Product id=“LineItemProduct_45BFC4BA-2AA0-53F0-551B-AC1317A2EEE2” SKU=“52” Name=“ETNZ T-Shirt” Quantity=“1.0” Total=“40.0” BasePrice=“40.0” Discount=“0.0” TaxClass="/TaxMatrixNZ/normal" QuantityDispatched=“0.0” QuantityRefunded=“0.0”></ns1:Product>
<ns1:Entry DateTime=“2007-01-31T11:22:33Z” Visibility=“CFR” Event=“OrderReceived” Message=“Your order has been sent to ABC Team NZ Store.”></ns1:Entry>
…This is my php file…

$dom=new DOMDocument();


    foreach($OrderBatch as $OrderBatch){

    foreach($Order as $Order){

    foreach($Payment as $Payment){

    foreach($DPS as $DPS){

    foreach($ShippingMethod as $ShippingMethod){

    foreach($Product as $Product){

    foreach($Entry as $Entry){

…php file ends here…
my issue:
I can get all the values expect [COLOR=Red]billing address(firstname,lastname…Country) and shipping address (firstname,lastname…Country)…[/COLOR]
i dont know how to write for it… i did new things but i failed…

please help me…