Help needed on sliding menu


I’m struggling to get this menu to work. Unfortunately i aint so good with movie clips. I have attached the FLA, I don’t seem to be able to get my movie clip to slide left and right like it should do, instead it stands still. Can someone help?


Should this be an infinite menu ?

Hey Matt, =)

Did you write the code, or where did you get it from?
That old, and I mean it, old sintax scares me… :stuck_out_tongue:

I might be able to help you if you could show me an example of what you want to do. :-\

[EDIT]That’s what I thought, Voetsjoeba. But I want to make sure first. :P[/EDIT]

Hey kax, you just said what I thought ! :stuck_out_tongue: I took a look and the first thing that came into my mind was “Infinite menu !” without even looking at the code :stuck_out_tongue: When I looked at the code (yeah it’s old, it’s hard to work with hard code, especially when the only Flash version you ever used is MX, like me) I saw that it couldn’t be an infinite menu. But you already said what I was about to say :stuck_out_tongue:

its supposed to be a movie clip with buttons in that moves left to right dependant on your mouse cursor - I can’t upload the original fla as it says its too big but have uploaded it to my site which is fully functional - the link is
the code is exactly the same as what is in my original fla

If I’m not mistaken, this is from a tute/file from, right? Anyway, there’s a tute here, you should have a look at it :slight_smile: