[COLOR=“Blue”]Also posted in AS1.0/2.0 Forum:puzzled:[/COLOR]
Hi everyone, this is probably a very simple problem to more experienced users, but I cannot find an answer in previous posts. Maybe I am using the wrong words in my search. Anyway here is my request:-
I want to load a range of images (20-30) each contained in a movie clip, and position them on the stage in a grid (table) format using actionscript. These images will be loaded from an XML file to make updating them a simple task in the future.
I have followed a tutorial to produce a “carousel” and this allowed me to have as many images as I wished loaded by the actionscript. I am sure that it is possible to have the items arranged however one would like provided you code the script correctly, and this is my problem. I cannot work out the correct code to get the movie clips into the desired arrangement.
Can anyone point me to a tutorial that will help, or offer me some advice on how to position the items in various arrangements/patterns. I do not want a scrolling thumbnails solution. I want them to be multi-row/column.