How To? - Have Flash dynamically construct a gallery through folders?

I’m not exactly the most actionscript savvy person so I was wondering if someone could take some time out and help me create a dynamic photo gallery in Flash. I want to be able to put as many images as I want into a folder and subfolders and such and have Flash be able to detect all those folders and images and their respective thumbnails.

For instance, if I had the folder IMG on my server, and I had 5 images in there, and another folder IMG2, with 3 more images, the gallery would display the thumbnails for the 5 images in IMG, and an icon for the IMG2 folder. Upon clicking the IMG2 folder, it would load the thumbnails for the 3 more images, and any other folders in there.

When the viewer clicks a thumbnail it should then and only then load the picture and expand it to fill the “viewing area” which would otherwise be the directory structure with thumbnails.

Thumbnails should only be loaded upon opening of a folder :slight_smile:

If anyone could link me, give me a guide, walk me through, or say that I can ask them questions through instant messaging, or any help whatsoever, that would be awsome.

Thanks guys. :pir: