My friend also has a website. And since I am not a real expert on stats and stuff, I was wondering if you guys could help us out. Check out the following picture that I have attached and let me know how these stats are. He launched his website on the same day as mine so it is only 10 days. Let me know if you guys think if this is good for a 10 day old site or his site should do better. How much bandwidth do you think, my friend should have used by looking at the stats’ picture. Thanks.
as far I can see he has 512 visitors a day. You can see yourself that’s pretty good. Must be a pretty large site, 7000 pages. No wonder he has got a lot of visitors!
What site is it off?
Actually, that is my site. If you want, you can check it out @
You can’t really access other website’s server logs & stats.
What do you think about the total visits which is 4696? Is that good for a 9 day old website.
Cool, about overclocking. I’d love to do that but my mother says “ooo noo you won’t!”
**I only have 30 webpages on the site since I launched it 9 days ago but why does my server stats say that I have over 7000 pages. ** Cool, you liked my website. It got popular pretty quick. I am shooting for over 15000 visitors in first month.
*Originally posted by overclocker23 *
**What do you think about the total visits which is 4696? Is that good for a 9 day old website. **
offcourse. I see however you had one day 1000 visitors. Must be the first day?
If you try to keep the 500 visitors a day that would be awesome.
500 visitors is already a lot visited.
500 is the avg. of 9 days. The total is 4696, which is nice for a new site.
Can you please answer this question:
I only have 30 webpages on the site since I launched it 9 days ago but why does my server stats say that I have over 7000 pages.
*Originally posted by overclocker23 ***I only have 30 webpages on the site since I launched it 9 days ago but why does my server stats say that I have over 7000 pages. **
huh? that’s strange. Are you using the statistics of your server? You could consider Nedstat too? Their statistic services are a lot better. Easier to understand
Everything else is right except for the pages info.
The problem there could also be your forum… That would take a lot pages too. I’l calcutate a bit. Wait a sec:goatee:
You are right, I do have forums and have posted some on it. Alright, I am waiting…
Thanks for your help.
Are you working with frames?
Yes, I am using dreamweaver and using the layout features to design all of my pages.
How many frames have you got in each page? 3?
Depends, on the index page, I have about 13 and on some pages I only have 1.
I think I found it. I have heard some people using stats and the stat saw every frame as a page. If you get what I mean…
I see what you mean. I don’t really care about the amount of pages that it measures since dreamweaver tells me how many pages I have. All I care about is the amount of traffic I get everyday, search engines and stuff like that. Thanks so much for your help.
The bad new is:
I’ve also heard that in that case; (witch I mentioned above) the stats counted a visitor at each frame. If you have 13 frames on the main stage; one vistor would become 13…
If you want no doubt you should use netstat ore some other service alike.
Hope I helped
BTW: What I’m telling you is not 100% sure, please forgive me if I’m wrong…
But i looked at my search engine stats and it told me that I had 138 people from search engines which is also true and my news is getting posted on all the big websites like, and among other biggies.
The thing about nedstat is that it is not free. But I will check it out.