Page Views Vs. Page Visitors

I was looking at my server logs/ web stats and it only showed the amount of visitors I had. I would like to know how many page views I get. Is page views and page visitors the same thing? Thanks. And look at the attached file to see what I mean.

is this a windows server?

Nope. It’s a linux server.

nevermind I cannot help ya with that good luck

if your server supports php, use this code

    $handle = fopen("counter.txt", "r");
    $contents = fgets($handle, 4096);
    $temp = sprintf("%d", $contents);
    $handle = fopen("counter.txt", "w");
    fputs($handle, "$temp");

this create a file with the name ‘counter.txt’ that contains the number of page views…

Here’s the thing, by looking at the website stats in the picture above, you can see that there are well over 4000 visitors but for some reason my host is showing me that I have only spent a little over 15MB of bandwidth. What is wrong with that? I update a lot so therefore I get quite alot of FTP traffic and I don’t know what’s happening. Can anyone tell me what’s going on? Thanks.

try contacting your host

I contacted my host but they are stupid. They keep telling me that I have only used 15MB of bandwidth. But i guess once the site gets over the bandwidth amount they will just send me a huge bill.

I am certain that I did get over 4000 visitors since I am also using nedstat and other utilities and they are giving me the exact same stats.

Oh well…

15mb is a lot of bandwidth to use. and 4000 visitors doesn’t necessarily mean unique visitors, so many of them may have your images and stuff cached, so they don’t re-download it every time they enter your site…

I have 30GB of bandwidth to burn. I guess it’s gonna take some time before I can do that. Thanks jubba and everyone for your help.

If you exhaust 30gb you must have some site…like a msn or hotmail type of site

I believe msn uses more than 30GB site., is using more than 30GB in my opinion. MSN/Hotmail are running on dedicated servers and mine is not.

his point is 30gb is a lot of bandwidth and it will be a long time before your site hits that mark.

remember, most of your content is text…

yes, i know. I got his point. Thanks for helping me out.

Don’t mind me, just doing a little math aloud.
Lemme see now… 2,298,805 KB divide by 4696 visits equals 489.5 KB per visit.
30 GB per month divide by 489.5 KB per visit equals 64,264 visitors per month.

thanks abzoid