...HELP... :o

Hope you didnt leave yet, but, where is “Preserve Transperacy” in Photoshop7??? I cant find :frowning:

See in the screenshot on the tutorial where there is a checkbox above the layers in the layers panel that says “Preserve Transparency”???

Well in 7 it is in the same spot but it says “Lock:” and next to it are a few squares to lock certain parts of the layer.

The Lock Transparency is the first one, a block with a checkered grid inside.

Thanks a bunch! :stuck_out_tongue:

No problem… I hope you got it all working :slight_smile:

Will you post the end result as an attachment when your done?

If I get it done you mean :stuck_out_tongue: Still working on it… been having some trouble here and there… But yeah, I will :stuck_out_tongue: Wont be anything special though…


It is just a test run I am believing, so it shouldn’t be anything special :slight_smile:

LOL This is horrible but its the best I could do… enjoy your laughs!


No laughes… has a chromish look :slight_smile:

You know… if you were going for a metal chrome look you could have looked for Chrome Text tutorials and such that teach you that effect :slight_smile:

lol Lost, the weird thing is… I wanted the plastic look, not a liquid metallic type of look :-\ but I still kinda like it… Plus, itll go good with my 2D Graphics Design class Im takin this Trimester, all the other people are uber n00bs and are amazed at me drawing a paintbursh line?? :o

Ahh… :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL, I know that… people saw me use the line tool and were like WOOOOOOW HOW DID YOU DO THAT???

I was just like… wait… I am not done.

Then they would see my site and think I was lying about doing that stuff…lol.

lol good times :P… Well, I suppose the spam should stop on this thread, thanks for all the help Lost! Making my life 200% less stressfull :stuck_out_tongue:

Anywho, later man! :stuck_out_tongue:
Oblique, your new humble servant :o