...HELP... :o

Ehm… for all you PaintShop7.0 people, I need a wittle help :[
I want to create a 3D Effect, kind of like a Plastic effect for text… if you can send me a tutorial here, or to my email: oblique@tweak3d.net that would be highly appreciated… Ive been looking but only finding PhotoShop5.0 ones and those arent workin for me…


You mean like the famous aqua text?.. something like this?


Pretty much nailed it :o Thanks Lost!

Oblique :stuck_out_tongue:

No problem :slight_smile:

There a ton of tutorials on stuff like that, but you just have to know what to look for unfortunately :-\

Sometimes you can look for Aqua Text, Glass Text, or Plastic Text… a lot of times you can manipular tutorials for pill buttons and use it for text, just look for tutorials on Aqua Buttons, Plastic Pill Buttons, Plastic Buttons, Glass Buttons, etc.

If you don’t put in the right search phrase you will get some funky results… like fire effects or something…lol.

Scratch that, I dont think its for Photoshop7 because he/she says something and its not there (where he says it) I may be wrong but Ive checked every possible spot…

Oblique :*(

[EDIT]: Didnt see your last post Lost, Ill try some of those :slight_smile: Thanks!

I use Photoshop 7, this tutorial is for 6, but there aren’t too many difference. The location probably changed.

What are you looking for, I might know where to find it.

Its the same effect as the website you provided me, only I need it for Photoshop7, only because Im new to this so I wouldnt know where to find/understand where that person says… Meaning, if he says something thats for Photoshop6, such as some type of Layers thing, I wouldnt be able to find it on PS7 because the location of that… effect or whatever had moved… If you get what I mean… :-\

I get what you mean, but not too many things have moved around in Photoshop 7, so that is why I asked which thing it was. I used to use 6 too so I might know if and where they moved it in 7 if you ever need to know :slight_smile:

Doh! Okay, Ill go look at it again and get back to you in a bit… I know its something with “Layer” but I cant remember… one sec :stuck_out_tongue:

(Chatting over a Forum is kinda fun…)

You’ll need to make this a regular layer, so go layers>type>render layer

CTRL + I then fade the invert, Filters>Fade

I dont know, they may be there and just over looked them many times, I couldnt tell yah, but I coulnt find those :-\

Render layer is now Rasterize Layer, just right click on your Layer and choose “Rasterize Layer”

As for Filter/Fade… no friggin clue, that wasn’t in 6 either.

Try this tutorial, I skimmed it real fast and didn’t see much idfference. Phong is a great tutorial site too, so it should be good. A noticed one difference right off the bat with this one though… Image/Adjust is now Image/Adjustments. Good luck with it :slight_smile:


Yeah Ive tried that one before but didnt understand too well, just because I suck with directions… but I suppose Ill try it again! :stuck_out_tongue:


Just take it one step at a time :slight_smile:

Their tutorials are usually straight forward and very good, watch their screenshots and follow what they do word for word and use all the settings they use until you get used to it and are comfortable enough to use your own settings.

lost is exactly right. Sometimes they have a lot of text in one step and you kinda skim through it, or even read it fairly closely, but you can’t seem to find something. Usually, if you read EACH AND EVERY word carefully you’ll see a word that your brain covered up (did you know brains actually do that?).

Yep, I knew it…lol. I followed a Phong tutorial and did the same thing. I followed it a billion times and couldn’t get it to work, I was about to e-mail them before I tried again and realized I missed one little thing that threw off the entire end effect :slight_smile:

Okay, problem… I follow Step 1, over and over, did that perfect… Step2: Error: No Pixels were Selected.
Reason: No clue.

Ive done Step2 over and over and over and yes, over again and I get the same exact thing, every time. Ive read it 40 quadrillion times, and still the same thing. If my brain his skipped 1 word, 40 quadrillion times, then I must be mental…

Please help… :frowning:

Your letter has to be big enough to be able to contract the selection and still have something selected.

Or change the amount of your contraction to lower than 16.

smacks his forehead I feel like a complete idiot not knowing that… Thanks Lost :o


No problem. Don’t feel like an idiot… happens to the best of us :slight_smile:

I am not going to be here tonight or tomorrow, so if you have any questions and I am not here… hopefully Arjunk can answer or you solve it on your own :slight_smile: