Hey guys… got another one for you…
I have a transition going on in my images but on older machines it seems to slow down and just not run so smoothly. Obviously it’s a little processor intensive, so my question is how to lessen that. What I have going on is a fade of sorts. It’s is basically blowing out the image, it is set in a 20 frame tween (24 fps) that takes it in then out (i had runtime bitmap caching enabled and tried to disable it but no discernible difference was experienced). the as is just an onenterframe looking for when it gets to frame 20 to carry out the rest of whatever else i have going on…
so, i am thinking the onenterframe code might be the culprit and will try changing that to maybe just have the code be on the 20th frame (seems so obvious now… lol) but in case that’s not it, any other ideas? are fading tweens that processor intensive? any help thanks guys…