The text in my preload works because you aren’t loading the movie in dynamically, you are show streaming on the movie directly.
Fergettabot this slider, I’m using a different one. I just spent the last week redoing all my .swf movies because I inadvertantly threw out my folder with the whole setup in it. :<( Now I’ve got the background music & slider (that I want to play continuosly) in a .swf file. So now I’m back to square 1, i.e., a bunch of .swfs that are called on via loadMovieNum(“intro.swf”, 10); using levels. You told me earlier to put a preloader on each individual .swf I load. What preloader should I use? I don’t want to use your preloader because it has the bar that shows loading percent (I don’t know how to revise that script). Can you guide me to a preloader I should use for this purpose or give me the script?
Sorry for being so much trouble, but I think I’m at the point where I’m beyond help :<( Thanks for your patience and generosity of time and help.
Ok, if you don’t want a percentage preloader I am going to assume you want just a regular preloader… in that case this tutorial may help you…
What I meant by not using a percentage preloader was----->not using a percentage preloader that SHOWS THE BAR LOADING. In other words a percentage preloader without the load bar…Why?–because you said frame preloaders would be passe in the future AND I don’t remember ever seeing a flash site whereby you click to go somewhere and you see a bar loading as the scene loads (but I have a cable connection, maybe that’s why I don’t see that). I’m just trying to find a preloader that a pro would use in my situation to attach to each .swf in order to make the web site user friendly. So which kind would be best??? Which kind would a pro (like you) use?? :<) Thank you.
Any preloader will work, it is just depending on what you want to show while preloading.
You can have a standard percentage preloader while loading, a load bar preloader, or just a movie that says loading that will play until the movie loads (refer to link in last post).
And when did I say frame preloaders would be passe in the future? If you mean the ifFramesLoaded version preloaders, then that is because that command is deprecated and has a possibility of being removed in future versions of Flash.
Any method of preloader is fine as long as it works