I’m at my wits end, and have no other alternative but to beg on here for help to point out my mis-understandings with Flash & AS3. I can write the pseudocode for what I want to do, I just can’t get to the result and I’ve spent 5 hours going around in useless dead-end circles…
I want a movieclip that has rollover/out functionality (can do). Inside this mc, I want a button that when clicked it will expand the mc. I can reference the button inside the mc, and I know its performing my function that I ask for, via a trace statement, but the gotoAndPlay(3)…well I know its getting to frame 3 via the previously mentioned trace statement, but I’m not seeing the visual change that I have made on frame 3. For the sake of it, all i’ve done is made the same graphic larger and moved its x&y positions. But I don’t see it…whats going on?
Here’s my example .fla and corresponding .swf
Anyone willing to help out please? MSN or Skype available??