Help Please! Greatly Aprec


I am VisualAid (Morgan) from

I was wondering if anyone could aid my request for help. I am working on a new flash website i can do animations and things i just cant link things together :frowning: . What i am asking for is for a partner who could help work on my website with me it is heading to be an art protfolio I am only young (14) and it’s hard for me to get everything working. I would say a partner you can add the stuff to a portfolio of your own and i will give good rep but otherwise i dont have anything else to give :(. I am looking for a website with 2 frames. IF you click on a picture icon in the screen that gallery loads up and yopu click on a thumbnail then and a picture pops up.

I am aiming for an affect like in the portfolio section. Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated i am aiming for a black and white theme. I can make logo’s and Buttons and ideas i just need help on making and pulling it together.

If you would be sooooooooooooo;) grateful as to help if you could contact me on:

or AIM


Thank You

VisualAid signing off- Visual who really would like to make a pixel person of himself

i srry but i gotta do this it’s important :frowning:


Hi VisualAid, welcome to the forum.

Take a look at this thread, I explained how my portfolio is set up. I’m not sure how experienced you are with flash so if you have any questions, just post them. Here is the link to that thread.

thanks for that i’ll try when i get back from school it’s looks complicated but i think i might be able to manage :D. It’s a really good website btw 10/10.:blush:

I’m not great at flash well nowhere near so …

…iT slightly confused me but am i right in saying…

We got 1 layer with the icons and our transition frames when we click an icon (with the actionscript on it) the other layer starts playing the transiition and then loads the extrenal movie file with you pictures in it? The other frame stays as the lil icons?

If not tell me i think i’m way off…

P.s I can describe it but get me to make it thats the hard part…