HELP PLEASE im not very good with maths!

ok here is the problem i have a littlepiece of script the only thing i need is get the property of “ay” and “ax” evaluated all the time to use the numeric value, since i can’t use eval… how it can be done_!!!_! help people please
obviusly this script is in the first frame and the mc “agencia” starts at 100% i always get 100 as a return and as i explained before i need to get the value all the time!!!

here is the script

ax = getProperty(agencia, _xscale)
ay = getProperty(agencia, _yscale)

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;

rollagencia = function () {
new Tween(agencia, “_xscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 100, 180, 5, true);
new Tween(agencia, “_yscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 100, 180, 5, true);
new Tween(servicios, “_xscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 100, 20, 3, true);
new Tween(servicios, “_yscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 100, 20, 3, true);
new Tween(portafolio, “_xscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 100, 40, 2, true);
new Tween(portafolio, “_yscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 100, 40, 2, true);
new Tween(clientes, “_xscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 100, 10, 1, true);
new Tween(clientes, “_yscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 100, 10, 1, true);

primestate = function () {
new Tween(agencia, “_xscale”, Elastic.easeOut, ax, 100, 3, true);
new Tween(agencia, “_yscale”, Elastic.easeOut, ay, 100, 3, true);
new Tween(servicios, “_xscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 20, 100, 2, true);
new Tween(servicios, “_yscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 20, 100, 2, true);
new Tween(portafolio, “_xscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 40, 100, 1, true);
new Tween(portafolio, “_yscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 40, 100, 1, true);
new Tween(clientes, “_xscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 10, 100, 1, true);
new Tween(clientes, “_yscale”, Elastic.easeOut, 10, 100, 1, true);

thanks people!