HELP PLEASE with mc movement

i added a button to the below codes. and when i click on the button it will only move from tarArray[70,120] to tarArray[80,215]. it will keep repeating that move instead of going to [110,270], 170,…
can someone take a look at my codes and help me solve this mystery which is wrecking my brain. thankz…

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var targetIndex:Number = 0;
var tarArray:Array = [[70,120], [80,215], [110,270], [170,320], [225,280], [300,360], [355,430], [520,380], [610,500]];
this.createEmptyMovieClip(“line_mc”, 1); //creating the line
this.attachMovie(“arrowmc”, “arrowmc”, this.getNextHighestDepth()); //inserting the mc
line_mc.lineStyle(2, 0xFF00FF, 30);
line_mc.moveTo(tarArray[0][0], tarArray[0][1]); // starting point of the target
arrowmc._x = tarArray[0][0];
arrowmc._y = tarArray[0][1];
var move_int = setInterval(moveChaser,50); //setting time delay between movements
function moveChaser() {
//works out the angle in radians between tarArray[targetIndex] and arrowmc
var theta:Number = Math.atan2(tarArray[targetIndex][1] - arrowmc._y, tarArray[targetIndex][0] - arrowmc._x);
//changes radians to degrees and orientates it 90 more degrees because in flash 0 degrees is facing right
arrowmc._rotation = (theta * 180 / Math.PI)+90;

//checks that tarArray[targetIndex] and arrowmc are more than 2 away from each other
if(Math.abs((tarArray[targetIndex][0]-arrowmc._x)) > 2 || Math.abs((tarArray[targetIndex][1]-arrowmc._y)) > 2){
//moves arrowmc 3 towards tarArray[targetIndex]
arrowmc._x += Math.cos(theta) * 3;
arrowmc._y += Math.sin(theta) * 3;
//draws the line to wherever arrowmc is
line_mc.lineTo(arrowmc._x , arrowmc._y);

route_btn.onRelease = function(){
//test for no more targets in tarArray
if(tarArray[targetIndex][0] == undefined){
//to go to the next Array
trace(“Target Index:” +targetIndex);

route_btn.addEventListener(“click”, moveChaser);