Hello fellas,
Can anyone help me? I am making a page which I need a loader bar for. I wanted it to be two individual swf. The first is the preloader, the second would be the actual movie. I searched to find a tutorial on how to make one movie preload another seperate movie. The part that confuses me is how can I get the totalBytes from the second movie file? I hope someone can help me out.
I tried that already, but since it is ebeded in the large movie, it starts preloading at about 60%. Untill then it is a blank screen. It is like I need a preloader for my preloader. hehe. Any way around this?:player:
Actually me making a mistake is a more likely solution than anything I can find on the forums. Thanks again, I will have to re-check my scripting. Thanks again for all these replies.
I am totally have the same problem as you HelloKittyGurl! I had a huge movie that I wanted a preloader on but the loader itself takes a long time to load up because of the movie that it’s on. Let me know if you find a solution please!!! You can email me at spacemonkeyq@hotmail.com. BTW, I notice you’re from Hawaii. What island are you on because all of them have north shores!
I don’t know how big HelloKittyGurl’s movie is, but my movie was over 450KB because of the surfing pictures I put up from my last trip to Maui. My pictures are small and measure around 40KB each. I did the photoshop resizing for web to get them as small as possible without sacrificing quality. That is why my movie is so large.
The preload has to be on the _root timeline to work properly, because Flash loads frames before clips, hence the clip won’t load until the preload animation is no more needed by the movie.
My movie is over 385kb, I checked out the link that you sent. I think I looked over that one. We must be on the same wavelength. Teeheehee… I am sorry to bother you again but here is the action scripting I used.
[AS]loadedbytes = getBytesLoaded();
totalbytes = getBytesTotal();
loadedkbytes = Math.ceil(loadedbytes/1024);
totalkbytes = Math.ceil(totalbytes/1024);
if (loadedbytes == totalbytes) {
frame = int(loadedbytes/(totalbytes/100));
I have this on frame two of my movie. I know it is a lot to ask but I am having problems and my friend who has an underwater photography web page needs my help. And I need yours. Thanks again
P.S. AniMeGanGrrl I live on Oahu. We seem to have the same problem but the same interest. I just sent you an email. Please feel free to respond and perhaps if you live on Oahu you can come with me and my surf club. It is an all girl surf club and we can always use another member. GRRRL POWER!!!
Excuse me, Sintax Sinister, I don’t want to get off the topic at hand but is there a link or tutorial you could give me to achieve that effect you have in the footer? I would be most grateful.
Roxy Gurl
Aloha Syntax Sinister! Are you saying that I shouldn’t put things like images and animations on the _root timeline? I have a background image of a beach that is pretty big and is on the _root. Then I have other movie clips loading on top of that to show other things like news clips and surf reports. Is this a bad thing to do?
Aloha Nui Loa,
P.S. HelloKittyGurl, I live in Kaneohe! I’ll send you an email with more of my contact info so we can share flash tips and maybe do a beach thing! Your club sounds awesome!
Ok HelloKittyGurl, i assume you have a loader movie clip with 100 frames.
Now on your first frame, replace your code for this:[AS]loadedbytes = getBytesLoaded();
totalbytes = getBytesTotal();
loadedkbytes = Math.ceil(loadedbytes/1024);
totalkbytes = Math.ceil(totalbytes/1024);
if (loadedbytes == totalbytes) {
frame = int(loadedbytes/(totalbytes/100));
[/AS]Make your second frame exactly the same as your first one. Now place this code[AS]gotoAndPlay(1);[/AS]
And finally on your third frame your main movie.
Hey girls! What if you tried putting the preloader on the first scene and then the rest of your movie on scene 2? That could help out. The only irritating part is redirecting any frame jumping that you may have.
It wouldnt help at all. The problem is that the preloader code didnt have a looping code. So, the code was in 1st frame and then the content, still unloaded, was requested.