Help Pleeeeeeaaazz!

Claudio and Batman, the looping code and the scene before trick does not work. Or at least not for my site. When I view it, the movie is still so large that the preloader shows up already at 70% loaded when I want it to load from 1% or around that amount.

P.S. HelloKittyGurl, did you check out the swell this past weekend on the South Shore?

What code are you using to preload your movie?

Aloha Claudio! I am using the exact same code you posted for HelloKittyGurl. The preloader comes up but it’s already at 70% by the time it shows up. In the mean time, it’s just blank screen. I would like it to show the preloader almost immediately so that the user can watch the preloader from almost 1%.

How big is your file? Can you post it?
I cant answer without seeing yur code.

Could you post the source files (.fla) for us to look at?

Hi Sintax and Claudio! Could any of you tell me what a normal lag time is for the preloader to come up when a user clicks a page to view? Maybe I’m just being impatient because I counted about 5 seconds before the preloader showed up. (Give or take a few seconds because my counting is a bit ditzy) And when it did show up, it was already at 70%. Should I be at all concerned with this? If not, then I am just spending too many brain cells trying to figure out something that isn’t that big of a concern.

The preloader should be viewable as soon as the .swf is viewable in the browser, you should not have to wait so long. Either your preloader is within a movie clip on the first frame or you have a lot of content on the first frame that flash is trying to load. Posting the .fla would help us both out a lot on fixing this problem quicker. I am more of a hands on person, it is hard this way because I can only guess what is wrong with your movie.

My file is too big…even when it is zipped. I’ll keep trying though.

Since the girls are being scarce with their fla’s, could I put up my fla to be checked out by you guys? I made this for a company but it acts similarly to what the girls are describing. You can go to to download it. Thanks!

:alien: :alien: :alien:

Scarce?! Listen Batman, I have an excuse for not posting it earlier. The South Shore’s waves are up. So Nyaaaaahhh!:geek: Just kidding. TeeHeeHee. I downloaded the file that you were talking about and my code is similar if not exact. Did you steal my files? :!: Anyways, I have a feeling that if your problem was solved, mine would be also. Now the problem with me not being creative enough…well that is an ongoing problem. :wink:

Eddie would go,

Roxy Gurl.

P.S. AniMeGanGrrl, thanks for the reply in the email.

Hey all! I was just “surfing” the forum, (get it? because all of the surfing talk…um…yeah) and I ran accross this post. But I thought this may help. flashkit. I may not know what I am talking about but this preloader helped me out of my jam. It may not be what you are looking for exactly so please discard information if not useful.


BTW I am giving this a good rating because I think it can help other newbies like myself out.

hmmm! This line up is a bit crowded ! :wink:

Could you please elaborate?