Help! Problem with a ticker

I’m working on a ticker that uses dynamic text from an external .txt document. It’s side scrolling bar works, the .txt document is being loaded…but it’s very jumpy.

I’m looking for something to add to the AS which will figure the length of the dynamic text movie based on how much text is in the .txt file, and scroll it smoothly until it reaches the bottom, where it will then loop back to the top.

Code on the main timeline:

_root.scroll_count = 0;
loadText = new LoadVars();
//creating the LoadVarsText function
loadText.onLoad = function() {
mytext = this.ncaa_tracker_text;
scroller.htmlText = mytext;

and then inside on the text movie layer:


if (_root.scroll_count <= _root.scroller.maxscroll){
_root.scroll_count = _root.scroll_count + 1;
}else if (_root.scroll_count >= _root.scroller.maxscroll){
_root.scroller.scroll -= (_root.scroller.maxscroll - 1);
_root.scroll_count = 0;

you won’t get answered in here as quick as you would if you posted it in the proper place. first forum doesn’t mean right forum. :wink:

mod should move this into the proper flash forum, are you using flash MX, MX2004, or 8?