Help! Problems Loading External Text And Loading The Movie Into The Explorer!

Hola a todos!

I have some troubles with my movies. I’ll explain.
(Sorry for my poor English - I’m Spanish!)
I’m developing a website for a Real State Agency in Spain. My idea is make it enterely with Flash, but It’s the first time I face Flash. I’ve found in the tutorials of the greatest help! But, still that, I need more help!

My first problem comes when loading the .swf into the explorer. I made a simple .html file that calls the .swf file to be loaded. The explorer says it’s loaded, but I have to press the “Reload” button to see the movie. Can you say me why!!!

My second problem… well. I’ll need a few minuts to explain it!

I have created a main scene. Inside the main scene I load the movies of the different sections of the site. This new movies loaded onto the main movie contain texts from external .txt files. There’s no problem with the texts that are just a few words, as in the section “Acerca de”. But when I need a bar to show the whole text I find that the bar doesn’t work in the first time that the movie is loaded, and you have to click again in the section to access the whole text, I mean, to make the bar work. Have I explain myself?

Well. I think you should visit the site to see my problems.
Is this:

This website is, of course, incomplete. I’m still working on it.

Could someone help me???

---- Help me Obi Wan: You’re my only hope!!!

Thanks a Lot.


Right, I ended up having to place my flash animations using Dreamweaver because I did’nt know the correct script but…

<object classid=" " codebase=“,0,29,0” width=" " height=" “>
<param name=“movie” value=” “>
<param name=“quality” value=“high”>
<embed src=” " quality=“high” pluginspage=“” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=" " height=" "></embed></object>

right now that is the basic code, you need to fill in where it says
<object classid=" " with your object’s classid

set (inbetween the " “) where it says width=” " and height=" "> so they are adjusted for your given space for the movie

enter the name of the address where your animation is where it says value=" "> (e.g Flash/Movie1.swf --> If your animation title has a space in the name add %20 instead of a space e.g Flash/Movie%201.swf)

The only problem is I don’t know how to get an objects classid :S I’m hoping someone will read this and reply.

Good Luck


Right, I ended up having to place my flash animations using Dreamweaver because I did’nt know the correct script but…

<object classid=" " codebase=“,0,29,0” width=" " height=" “>
<param name=“movie” value=” “>
<param name=“quality” value=“high”>
<embed src=” " quality=“high” pluginspage=“” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=" " height=" "></embed></object>

right now that is the basic code, you need to fill in where it says
<object classid=" " with your object’s classid

set (inbetween the " “) where it says width=” " and height=" "> so they are adjusted for your given space for the movie

enter the name of the address where your animation is where it says value=" "> (e.g Flash/Movie1.swf --> If your animation title has a space in the name add %20 instead of a space e.g Flash/Movie%201.swf)

The only problem is I don’t know how to get an objects classid :S I’m hoping someone will read this and reply.

Good Luck


JCDesigns: Thank your for paying attention to my post.
But I think your replying message is incomplete (or my english too poor) Would you mind telling me again with another words?

I understood You can’t place flash animations into an .html page generated with Dreamweaver because the program itself. So, what have you done to place it inside your html code? I mean, what is the basic code to insert in the html code?

Thanks again!!!