Help: Regarding Custom Flash Layouts for Myspace

So I have a client who wants a custom flash layout for myspace. That part is easy enough but my limited knowledge of AS & XML is what I need help on. I’ve looked at this site, and how they seem to be able to call to the XML within the user’s profile on my space. From what I can see this is gathered first from the pre-loader that then loads the layout. The AS on the pre-loader is:

function loadXML(loaded)
if (loaded)
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
id = xmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
fullname = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
address = xmlNode.childNodes[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
profilephoto = xmlNode.childNodes[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
headline = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[4].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
lastlogin = xmlNode.childNodes[5].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
gender = xmlNode.childNodes[6].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
age = xmlNode.childNodes[7].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
town = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[8].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
country = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[9].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
interests = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[10].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
music = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[11].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
films = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[12].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
television = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[13].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
books = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[14].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
heroes = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[15].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
aboutme = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[16].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
whotomeet = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[17].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
mystatus = xmlNode.childNodes[18].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
herefor = xmlNode.childNodes[19].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
myorientation = xmlNode.childNodes[20].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
hometown = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[21].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
bodytype = xmlNode.childNodes[22].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
ethnicity = xmlNode.childNodes[23].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
religion = xmlNode.childNodes[24].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
zodiacsign = xmlNode.childNodes[25].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
smokedrink = xmlNode.childNodes[26].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
children = xmlNode.childNodes[27].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
education = xmlNode.childNodes[28].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
occupation = unescape(xmlNode.childNodes[29].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
income = xmlNode.childNodes[30].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
layout = xmlNode.childNodes[31].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
isPhotobucket = xmlNode.childNodes[32].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
isPrivate = xmlNode.childNodes[33].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
layout_title = xmlNode.childNodes[34].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
if (isPrivate == 1)
privateMC._visible = true;

    if (id == "undefined") 
        id = "-";

    if (fullname == "undefined") 
        fullname = "-";

    if (address == "undefined") 
        address = "-";

    if (headline == "undefined") 
        headline = "-";

    if (lastlogin == "undefined") 
        lastlogin = "-";

    if (gender == "undefined") 
        gender = "-";

    if (age == "undefined") 
        age = "-";

    if (town == "undefined") 
        town = "-";

    if (country == "undefined") 
        country = "-";

    if (interests == "undefined") 
        interests = "-";

    if (music == "undefined") 
        music = "-";

    if (films == "undefined") 
        films = "-";

    if (television == "undefined") 
        television = "--";

    if (books == "undefined") 
        books = "";

    if (heroes == "undefined") 
        heroes = "-";

    if (aboutme == "undefined") 
        aboutme = "-";

    if (whotomeet == "undefined") 
        whotomeet = "-";

    if (mystatus == "undefined") 
        mystatus = "-";

    if (herefor == "undefined") 
        herefor = "-";

    if (myorientation == "undefined") 
        myorientation = "-";

    if (hometown == "undefined") 
        hometown = "-";

    if (bodytype == "undefined") 
        bodytype = "-";

    if (ethnicity == "undefined") 
        ethnicity = "-";

    if (religion == "undefined") 
        religion = "-";

    if (zodiacsign == "undefined") 
        zodiacsign = "-";

    if (smokedrink == "undefined") 
        smokedrink = "-";

    if (children == "undefined") 
        children = "-";

    if (education == "undefined") 
        education = "-";

    if (occupation == "undefined") 
        occupation = "-";

    if (income == "undefined") 
        income = "-";

    if (isPhotobucket == 1) 
        url = "";
        url = "";

    if (isPrivate == 0) 
        loadMovie(url + layout, _root.layoutMC);
        var __reg4 = {publisherId: "p-cakSZvYqGmoRI", videoId: _root.layoutID, title: layout_title, videoUrl: url + layout, embedUrl: "" + _root.myurl};
        var __reg3 = new Quantcast(__reg4);


}“”, “”, “”);
Stage.align = “TL”;
Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
_quality = “BEST”;
privateMC._visible = false;
xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.contentType = “text/xml”;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;
xmlData.load(“” + _root.myurl + “&layoutID=” + _root.layoutID + “&themeID=” + _root.themeID + “&cacheKiller=” + (new Date()).getTime());
onEnterFrame = function ()
LB = layoutMC.getBytesLoaded();
TB = layoutMC.getBytesTotal();
PC = LB / TB * 100;
if (TB > 4 && PC == 100)
delete onEnterFrame;


And this is the action script on the last frame of one of the layouts:
function over()

function out()

loadMovie(_root.profilephoto, _root.layoutMC.mc_profilephoto);
_root.layoutMC.mc_profilephoto._y = _root.layoutMC.mc_profilephoto.height / 2;
_root.layoutMC.mc_profilephoto._x = _root.layoutMC.mc_profilephoto.width / 2;
sizeListener = new Object();
sizeListener.onResize = function ()
_root.layoutMC.mc_profilephoto._y = _root.layoutMC.mc_profilephoto.height / 2;
_root.layoutMC.mc_profilephoto._x = _root.layoutMC.mc_profilephoto.width / 2;
loadMovie(_root.UserPhotoOne, _root.layoutMC.mc_photoone);
_root.layoutMC.mc_photoone._y = _root.layoutMC.mc_photoone.height / 2;
_root.layoutMC.mc_photoone._x = _root.layoutMC.mc_photoone.width / 2;
sizeListener = new Object();
sizeListener.onResize = function ()
_root.layoutMC.mc_photoone._y = _root.layoutMC.mc_photoone.height / 2;
_root.layoutMC.mc_photoone._x = _root.layoutMC.mc_photoone.width / 2;
loadMovie(_root.UserPhotoTwo, _root.layoutMC.mc_phototwo);
_root.layoutMC.mc_phototwo._y = _root.layoutMC.mc_phototwo.height / 2;
_root.layoutMC.mc_phototwo._x = _root.layoutMC.mc_phototwo.width / 2;
sizeListener = new Object();
sizeListener.onResize = function ()
_root.layoutMC.mc_phototwo._y = _root.layoutMC.mc_phototwo.height / 2;
_root.layoutMC.mc_phototwo._x = _root.layoutMC.mc_phototwo.width / 2;
loadMovie(_root.UserPhotoThr, _root.layoutMC.mc_photothr);
_root.layoutMC.mc_photothr._y = _root.layoutMC.mc_photothr.height / 2;
_root.layoutMC.mc_photothr._x = _root.layoutMC.mc_photothr.width / 2;
sizeListener = new Object();
sizeListener.onResize = function ()
_root.layoutMC.mc_photothr._y = _root.layoutMC.mc_photothr.height / 2;
_root.layoutMC.mc_photothr._x = _root.layoutMC.mc_photothr.width / 2;
But1.onRollOver = over;
But1.onRollOut = out;
But2.onRollOver = over;
But2.onRollOut = out;
But3.onRollOver = over;
But3.onRollOut = out;
But4.onRollOver = over;
But4.onRollOut = out;
But5.onRollOver = over;
But5.onRollOut = out;
But6.onRollOver = over;
But6.onRollOut = out;
But7.onRollOver = over;
But7.onRollOut = out;
But8.onRollOver = over;
But8.onRollOut = out;
HoldNameMC.holdtxt.htmlText = _root.aboutme;
HoldNameMC.holdname.htmlText = “About Me”;
But1.onRelease = function ()
HoldNameMC.holdtxt.htmlText = _root.aboutme;
HoldNameMC.holdname.htmlText = “About Me”;
HoldNameMC.holdnum.htmlText = “01”;
But2.onRelease = function ()
HoldNameMC.holdtxt.htmlText = _root.interests;
HoldNameMC.holdname.htmlText = “General”;
HoldNameMC.holdnum.htmlText = “02”;
But3.onRelease = function ()
HoldNameMC.holdtxt.htmlText =;
HoldNameMC.holdname.htmlText = “Music”;
HoldNameMC.holdnum.htmlText = “03”;
But4.onRelease = function ()
HoldNameMC.holdtxt.htmlText = _root.films;
HoldNameMC.holdname.htmlText = “Films”;
HoldNameMC.holdnum.htmlText = “04”;
But5.onRelease = function ()
HoldNameMC.holdtxt.htmlText = _root.television;
HoldNameMC.holdname.htmlText = “TV”;
HoldNameMC.holdnum.htmlText = “07”;
But6.onRelease = function ()
HoldNameMC.holdtxt.htmlText = _root.books;
HoldNameMC.holdname.htmlText = “Books”;
HoldNameMC.holdnum.htmlText = “05”;
But7.onRelease = function ()
HoldNameMC.holdtxt.htmlText = _root.heroes;
HoldNameMC.holdname.htmlText = “Heroes”;
HoldNameMC.holdnum.htmlText = “06”;
But8.onRelease = function ()
HoldNameMC.holdtxt.htmlText = _root.whotomeet;
HoldNameMC.holdname.htmlText = “Who To Meet”;
HoldNameMC.holdnum.htmlText = “07”;
FullNameText.autoSize = true;
FullNameText.html = true;
var format = new TextFormat();
format.letterSpacing = -1;
GreenBarMC._x = FullNameText._x + FullNameText._width + 5;
headlinetxt.html = true;
headlinetxt.autoSize = “right”;
var format = new TextFormat();
format.letterSpacing = -1;
OverBlackMC._x = 670 - headlinetxt._width;
var color = new Color(“BaseMC”);

Is there a way to modify this so can build and host my own layout on my FTP? But preforms the same functionality?

Thanks for any and all help.