Help! Slow Preloader

Hi all,
This is my first post on the forums, so I can only hope I’m going about it in the correct way.
Basically, I’ve been making a site in flash cs4, actionscript 2.0 (3.0 still daunts me at the minute) and after a few tutorials, I’ve managed to sort a preloader for the site as it’s around 2.7mb, so didn’t want to keep visitors waiting.

2 Problems:
1 - The preloader itself can take a good 10 seconds to load sometimes, and obviously I’m sure you can see the irony in the preloader requiring time to load.:lol:
2 - Once the preloader has started, the loading process seems to take twice as long as it did with no preloader.

I’m aware that the point of the preloader is to stop the premature, and often jumpy, start of a swf file. But still, it does take a long time to load. I could easily download a 5 mb file in the time it takes to load the 2.7mb swf.

Could it have anything to do with the free ‘freewebs’ account I’m testing it on?
Could the free account they supply you with just have a slow server or something?
I don’t proclaim to know too much about servers and such, once the swf file has been published, I’m pretty lost.

Anyway, any help would be absolutely fantastic as I’m completely stuck!
The address is below: