Help Springs:Elastic Moving Menu System

Hey all. I’m trying to do something that has the effect of the Kirupa Tutorial Actionscript> Advanced> “Springs: Elasticity, Physics, and Flash MX” but is a group of menu buttons that move/get-out-of-the-way of an interface that “fits” the area (not controlled by mouse). Think sidemenu buttons flying and reformatting position to a horizontal menu accommodating room for an image gallery, to get an idea of how and why it will function.

Thinking this one thru I hit two stumbling blocks. You see how I would approach it is have each button change a x, y variable and trigger the actionscript through the ole double frame loop. The actionscript would be something like on press Gallery Button >conditional statement for the new x,y that tells it if its not where it has to be go +1 in that direction.

Problem 1) How do I put in the elastic/spring code in this framelooping script without losing the inertia?

Problem 2) This is more of my lack of programming knowledge, but I only know how to move one at a time. How can I move a set of buttons independently to go to their new positions.

Thanks all.