Help! Uploading files

Alright, I’ve searched the forums to no avail so I’m sorry if this has recently been awnsered before.

I can’t upload my .swf’s to a website I’m working on. I had alot of trouble uploading before, and the only ftp client that would work for me was FileZilla.

Now I’m working on this site again, and FileZIlla doesn’t want to work anymore, and neither does any other software I’ve tried. I’ve run out of ideas.

What happens is I log on. I can view the files that are already on there. Then I find my file, tell it to upload and it wont.

In FileZilla it just keeps goin, nothing happens.

In Smart Ftp in says it has completed the upload but the file is zero bytes. It’s not actually uploaded.

Any ideas? I gotta get this to work. I’m running on Xp Pro btw.


This is what smart ftp says:

[21:31:29] Remote file exist check: “contact.swf”.
[21:31:29] TYPE I
[21:31:29] 200 Type set to I.
[21:31:29] SIZE contact.swf
[21:31:30] 213 0
[21:31:30] MDTM contact.swf
[21:31:30] 213 20060210030534
[21:31:31] PASV
[21:31:31] 227 Entering Passive Mode (64,202,189,112,16,252).
[21:31:31] Opening data connection to Port: 4348
[21:31:31] STOR contact.swf
[21:31:31] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[21:32:11] Transfer Timeout (40s). Closing data connection.
[21:32:11] 8192 bytes transferred. (203 bytes/s) (00:00:40)
[21:32:51] Timeout (40s).
[21:32:51] Active Help:
[21:32:51] Client closed the connection.
[21:32:51] Transfer failed.
[21:32:51] Resolving host name “
[21:32:51] Connecting to Port: 21
[21:32:51] Connected to
[21:32:52] 220 Microsoft FTP Service
[21:32:52] USER freeinc1
[21:32:52] 331 Password required for .
[21:32:52] PASS (hidden)
[21:32:52] 230 User logged in.
[21:32:52] SYST
[21:32:52] 215 Windows_NT
[21:32:52] FEAT
[21:32:52] 211-FEAT
[21:32:52] SIZE
[21:32:52] MDTM
[21:32:52] 211 END
[21:32:52] PWD
[21:32:52] 257 “/” is current directory.
[21:32:52] TYPE A
[21:32:52] 200 Type set to A.
[21:32:52] PASV
[21:32:52] 227 Entering Passive Mode (64,202,189,112,17,40).
[21:32:52] Opening data connection to Port: 4392
[21:32:52] LIST -aL
[21:32:52] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[21:32:52] 602 bytes transferred. (18.3 KB/s) (32 ms)
[21:32:52] 226 Transfer complete.