Help w/ thumbnail toggler logic

Hi folks.

I’m trying to create a flash module that moves image thumbnails left or right once the user clicks arrows on either side of the application. Right now, I have only 3 images to view in content_mc , but I intend to have an unlimited number of thumbnails to move through.

I’d like to use the Tweener engine as a nice effect for sliding horizontally too.

I have attached a sample file to help illustrate what I’m trying to do.

Where I need help is in putting together the logic to move this thing. I would think I would need to tell the arrow mcs to just increment the content_mc left or right on the x axis by 300px (since all imgs are the same size). Is that thinking right? And, how do I structure this logic in AS3 (i’m extremely new to the code).

Thanks so much for any guidance you can lend on this.