"thumbnails sliding menu" - some hints please


I’m new in flash and in this forum Probabely my questions are answered here already, but I can’t find the right info because I don’t know well how to describe the thing I want to make.

I’m making a site where I want the image gallery part to be in flash.

Here’s how it looks now (please don’t comment on the layout itsself ): http://www.condominium.be/condo_temp/realisaties.htm

You’ll see the thumbnails have arrows left and right to slide them left or right.

First question:
Can you point me to some tutorials where I can learn how to slide the whole thumbnail row? Probabely the simplest thing would be that when you move over the arrow, the thumbs start sliding. But I’ve seen things like this where you just need to move a bit lift or right and the thumbs start to slide automatiacally, and faster if you move to more extreme sides. Pointers to these are also very helpfull

Second question:
Would it be possible to make the sliding thumbs so that the first and last image are also connected to each other? I mean that it keeps on sliding in an infinite loop? (when last thumb is shown and you keep on sliding, the first shows up again).

If you think I’m going in the wrong direction here with the way I’m making this image navigation, please tell me so!

I hope some of you can help me out a bit here.

Kind regards,
